Backpack Battles Wiki

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Backpack Battles Wiki

Back: Melee Weapon

Version History
Version Change
0.6.1 Cooldown 1.8s -> 1.7s
0.6.0 Cooldown 1.9s -> 1.8s
0.3.8 Cooldown 2.0s -> 1.9s
  • Lucky on miss 4 -> 3, cooldown 1.8s -> 2.0s
  • Fixed Fancy Fencing Rapier not generating Luck on Miss as rare interaction with Mana Orb
0.3.2b Fancy Fencing Rapier: Cooldown 1.7 -> 1.8, Luck on miss 5 -> 4 - more nerfs might be necessary, we will keep an eye on it!
0.3.2 Added to the game.