Resource used by magic items.
Name | Effect | Rarity | Cost | |
Sapphire | * Weapon socket - On hit: 20/30/45/60/90% chance to attack health directly, gain 2 and inflict 1 . | Varies | 1/2/4/8/16 | |
Blueberries | Every 3.5s: Gain 1 . If you have at least 10 , gain 1 instead. | Rare | 2 | |
Mana Orb | Every time an ⭐ item activates, you have a 66.6% chance to gain 1 . | Epic | 6 | |
Magic Staff | On attack: Use 3 to deal +6 damage and increase its damage by 2 until the end of battle. | Epic | 10 (4+6) | |
Critwood Staff | On attack: use 4 to deal 7 additional damage and for the next 1s, all your attacks are critical. | Epic | 15 (4+6+5) | |
Spectral Dagger | On attack: Use 1 to attack health directly and deal +7 damage.
On stun: Triggers extra attack. |
Legendary | 10 (4+6) | |
Manathirst | On hit: Gain 1 . If you have at least 10 , steal 2 life. | Legendary | 13 (6+7) | |
Darkest Lotus | On reveal: Generate 3 + 3 for each card before. For every above 10, remove a random buff from your opponent instead. | Godly | 7 | |
Djinn Lamp | Every 2s: Gain 1 or 1 or 1 , depending on what you have the least of.
Use 7 , 7 , 7 , 7 and 27 health: Give the ⭐ Weapon +27 damage. |
Godly | 11 | |
Book of Light | Every 3s: Cleanse 1 and heal for 8. | Godly | 12 | |
Staff of Unhealing | Every 1.8s: Heal for 10. Use 5 : Heal +4 more and for 2s, healing also deals damage. | Godly | 18 (4+6+8) | |
Yggdrasil Leaf | Start of battle: Gain 1 and 1 for each ⭐ Nature item. | Unique | 10 |